Our Community Space with Internet Connection absolutely Free for Unemployed in Madurai #625001in Are you #Searching for #Job? Are you in #Madurai? We help you by sharing our Office Space with Internet Connection absolutely #Freely between 8AM to 5PM. You should bring your Laptop or Books. You should be the first gen graduate in your family. You can use it …
Category: blog
AWSum Offer for Madurai STARtupS
Hi Madurai STARtupS, Thank you for being with active community & we are dedicated Activate partner of AWS in this region. We strive to constantly improve the AWS Activate program to make things simpler and frustration-free for our STARtupS (if you like to understand what’s startup, pls watch #TholviFC in amazon prime oh..again its on Amazon). As a founder you …
Want to find a co-founder?
Many startups looking for co-founders in LinkedIn & other social media & networking meetups. BTW these Quick Questions would help for you help surely to find the right mix of partners. Technical Co-Founder: Marketing Co-Founder: Operations Co-Founder:

One of our fellow startup moved to Madurai during covid times from Metro city Chennai and we meet and connect our summer interns. Recently saw their line of products and find an amazing one among that is VoiceSphere. It helps our community site’s resume database to find the right candidate for fellow startups and we can also find right talent …
Community Connects well on World Entrepreneurship Day
Long back a founder from Madurai who ran his venture in Chennai and setup small remote team pre-covid in Madurai Startups spaces recently went through biggest turmoil due to personal issues and he is available for consulting roles in sr tech mgr level roles. we shared his portfolio with other founders and one of our former fellow coworker come founder …
For the past one decade we have deal with so many organization and individuals and experienced lot of positive and negative outcomes thru referral connects. Few are totally spoils the ecosystem and cheat newbies those we need to highlight and alert fellow founders and future founders(freelancers/students) Top Three Thieves Among those Be alert business friends,while deal with them . Make …